Security, Commentary James Dickons Security, Commentary James Dickons

Zoom. Is it secure? Should I use it?

Zoom is nothing new and has been around for a few years, but due to the recent virus outbreak and a larger number of people working from home than ever before, it has become quite the popular tool from scheduled meetings to Friday drinks. Because of this surge in popularity, there has been greater exposure, and with this sparks interest for hackers and bad actors alike. As such, the scrutiny has been hard and swift and inevitably questions have been raised, is Zoom secure, and should I be using it?

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Commentary, Security James Dickons Commentary, Security James Dickons

The Importance of Updates

Updates are to technology as food is to us; it’s good for you but you could survive without it for some time. After a while, however, things start to fall apart. Software updates are important because they improve three key areas: they resolve issues like bugs, patch holes and keep any references or databases up to date. These are important to stay safe and current in a technical world.

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